Resilience Builder

Resilience Builder

£25 +VAT

Unlock the potential of a mentally healthy workplace with our affordable online course.

Gain crucial skills and knowledge to create a more engaged and productive workforce. Take proactive steps to prevent mental health problems. Do it for yourself and your employees. Start today and foster a thriving and resilient work environment. Your mental well-being matters!

Life is full of ups and downs, challenges, and unexpected twists. How we react to these events defines our ability to bounce back. We can thrive despite adversity. The Resilience Builder Course is here to equip you with the key tools and strategies. They will help you develop strong resilience. With them, you can navigate life’s challenges with grace and determination.

Build a thriving and resilient workforce today!

£50   NOW ONLY £25 +VAT

ONLY £25 +VAT (50% OFF!)

Resilience Builder Course

What is the Resilience Builder Course?

The resilience builder comprises various modules designed to enhance your cognitive abilities. It empowers you to handle stress better. It helps you develop improved coping mechanisms. Engage with these modules. They can help you be proactive in tough times. They will foster stronger resilience.

What is resilience?

Resilience is the amazing ability to adjust. It helps you cope and recover from setbacks, stress, and tough events. It’s not about being tough. It’s about embracing change. It’s about building emotional smarts. And it’s about using your mindset to overcome obstacles.

Why choose the Resilience Builder Course?

Choosing the resilience builder course has many benefits. It will help you handle stress and tough situations with more ease and confidence. This program gives you thinking tools and strategies. They are essential for helping yourself. You use them proactively in hard times. By improving your resilience, you can build a resilient mindset. This will boost your emotional well-being and give you the skills needed to thrive in tough times. You might want to improve personal resilience or work performance. The resilience builder course gives you the tools. They help you navigate life’s complexities with resilience and grace.

Ready to book?

If you are an employer, you can buy our online Resilience Builder course for your team. You can buy as many as you need. Simply put in the needed quantity, securely checkout, and then add your team to the course. It’s all done in a few clicks.

We also offer discounts for block and ongoing bookings. If you would like us to be your preferred training provider, we can set up accounts with discounts. The system will apply them automatically. You can manage your account online, including tracking your candidate’s progress. 

To learn more, please get in touch. A professional member of the team will help you.

Benefits For Your Business

Prevention is always better than cure and therefore building the overall resilience of the workforce is something that constitutes both commercial common sense and a moral imperative.


Effective deployment of Resilience Builder requires two things:

Free course completion and evaluation by company HR staff; followed by,

Buy-in from senior management for funding approval AND for an hour of time in work for employees to complete it.

By senior management approving procurement of the course and HR leads promoting its completion on work time, the company is able to demonstrate a tangible duty of care to its people. As a direct result of this commitment, companies can also accrue the secondary benefit of demonstrating that they are leading on best mental health practice to their own clients and customers. Feedback will also be provided back to senior management via HR on the completion of the course by the workforce.

Our Accreditations

Safe2Site Online CSCS
Resilience Builder Course for Business
ECS Electrotechnical Certification Scheme
Safe2Site Online CSCS
Safe2Site Online CSCS